Friday, June 18, 2010

Small white hair looking worms on the glass in my aquarium?

i noticed these things in my tank i looked at them and they were moving please tell me what it is and is it bad fish seem to be doing good nice colors.

Small white hair looking worms on the glass in my aquarium?

These are most likely flat worms. They are present in nearly all tanks but usually only come out when it is dark since they ae sensitive to light. They feed on leftover food and waste that has sunk into the gravel. If you do a water change using a gravel vacuum their number will greatly diminish. Also, if you have a snail he will eat them. They are not bad or harmfull or mean you have a dirty tank. try also feeding your fish a little less.

Small white hair looking worms on the glass in my aquarium?

It is from the excess food. It has hatched out in your tank. Not harmful, just another food source.

Small white hair looking worms on the glass in my aquarium?

Those are most likely the larvae of a small midge fly. Small and threadlike and swimming in a "S" shape would be another key to identifying them. They are totally harmless to your fish and in fact, many smaller fish will eat them as a fine live food. Changing your filter media and doing a water change while cleaning the gravel will help to remove them from the tank.


Small white hair looking worms on the glass in my aquarium?

If they look like white/grey colored slugs(snails with no shells) and have an arrow shaped head, those are called planaria. They're harmless to people and fish, but may eat fish eggs or fry. Usually you'll see them sucking on the glass.

If they look like a little white colored squiggle worms, swims in an S shape, or looks like a piece of hair on the glass, those are some variety of nematodes. They're harmless as well. As mentioned, a lot of fish will eat these when they see them.

Usually both kinds will show up in a tank that the fish are being over fed, or there's not enough water changes and gravel vacuums being done. They love all the excess food left in the bottom of the tank and in the gravel. To get rid of them, takes some time, but cut back on your feedings. Feed only once a day what the fish will eat in about 5 minutes, net out any uneaten food. Even skip a day during the week. The fish won't starve. And, be sure to do weekly water changes, being sure to vacuum the gravel really good. After water changes is usually when you'll see a lot of them swimming around in the water-from stirring up the gravel.

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