Sunday, June 20, 2010

White dots on hair? Anyone know what it is?

I recently noticed that I have these white dots all over my hair. If I get a hair strand and gently pull on it, it comes apart from where the dot is at. The dot is usually about a quarter or halfway distance from the ends. Does anyone know what this is and if there are any natural home recipes to strengthen my hair?

I never blow dry, straighten, or curl my hair. I use conditioner on my hair everytime I shampoo, which is every day. I've only dyed my hair 5 times in the last 7 years... I recently got a haircut 2 weeks ago and get one every 3 months. I can't think of anything else that could help to figure out what these white dots are.

White dots on hair? Anyone know what it is?

The white dots are a fact of life for girls with longer hair. They are spots where the hair is damaged near the end and is ready to break off. They are more noticeable in brown hair types and they come from day to day damage and can be worsened by using ponytail holders, brushing when hair is wet, and heat and styling products. You mentioned you don't use many hair gels or blow dry... that is great, but they dying of the hair really really will damage the hair, especially at the ends. All I can suggest is to keep trimming and stop dying!! You seem to know how to take care of your hair very well, otherwise. Good luck!

White dots on hair? Anyone know what it is?

reponse on white dots are probably a build up of detergent shampoo with a high Alkaline which is building up on the weakest part of the hair which gets the most abuse. Just get a Professional Hair Clarifier and use weekly once to get build off Report It

White dots on hair? Anyone know what it is?

nit eggs?

White dots on hair? Anyone know what it is?

i believe you have dandrift. when you wear a black shirt do the white spots fall on the shirt? try dandrift shanpoo it shoulsd help. this i something very common alot of people have it/

White dots on hair? Anyone know what it is?

emm... ever thought it could be dandruft? try using an anti dandruft shampoo (sorry dno how to spell it hehe) I would recomend head and shoulders anti dandruft it worked for me its nothing to worry about and soooo common if it is actually dandruft i cant think of anything else it would be

hope this helps

xoxPeace Out

White dots on hair? Anyone know what it is?

It is called "banding". It is damage,,and the best advice is no blowdrying and do not brush your hair when wet. Regular trims.

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