Sunday, June 20, 2010

Why do people say that when you that when you get relly scared, your hair gets a white stripe in it?

You know, sometimes in books, they'll say that when someone gets scared, they get a white stripe in their hair... Is this true?

Why do people say that when you that when you get relly scared, your hair gets a white stripe in it?

Yeah. Like in the Sixth Sense, the boy has a stripe in his hair because he's been so scared. I think that of you are really terrified of something, then you get one.

Why do people say that when you that when you get relly scared, your hair gets a white stripe in it?

maybe it's just u cause ive never heard that saying!!

Why do people say that when you that when you get relly scared, your hair gets a white stripe in it?

Medically their is very little evidence of that. however leading a hard and unhealthy life can on the long run make the person demonstrate senility early.

What can happen with fear or stress is alopecia. which is the loss of hair from one spot but it will regrow back. I had a friend who would loose half of his right eye brow with every exam. then grow it back when the stress is over

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