Friday, June 18, 2010

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like

The first question referring to black people's hair seemed to have stirred up a lot of anger and the "racial card" was thrown. Yahoo 7 have removed the question which I will of course contest with a valid explanation being that the exact same question referring to whether white people like their hair has not even given an answer that would refer to any kind of RACISM. The answers to the question are simple, i.e. yes or no. With regard the black people's hair - the answers recieved raises the eyebrow of WHAT EXACTLY IS THE PROBLEM? WHY DO BLACK PEOPLE TAKE OFFENCE TO THE QUESTION? IT'S AS IF THEY ARE VERY SENSITIVE TO THIS TOPIC ABOUT THEIR HAIR WHEN WHITE PEOPLE DON'T? They mention racism etc. etc.

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

Here is the thing...

Black women have been taught that the way they looked was undesirable. plain and simple. We were taught from a young age that straight blond hair was beautiful, short curly hair was ugly. So there is alot of anger because it is a sensitve subject for black women. How would you like if society taught you to hate who you were and how you looked? Its is sad. Even in the same culture you have blacks who will do ANYTHING to make their hair look as european as possible. I for one LOVE my hair, whether naturally curly or when i wear it straight. I just want you to understand where the anger comes from.

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

ur racist and this question is racist%26lt;----just kidding. everyone is uptight especially the gay section! whoof!

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

Stop asking dummy...people are dying in China, Africa, Russia, Iraq...stop asking the questions that incite racism. Aren't you getting the message yet?

You are thick upstairs...when will Armageddon be here...until then we have attorneys...thank goodness

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

ok your obsession with hair is getting annoying. dont you have a mocchacino with your name on it in starbucks????????????????????

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

What the hell do you care if people like their hair?

You sound like a troll.

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

I like my hair. So do lots of chicks, black and white...

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

I don't know why your question was removed, but to answer it...........yes I love my hair. I really do. Plain and simple.

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

hmmm oddness... Well I'm white and I love my hair, but at times I'm quite jealous of my black friend and her beautiful curly fro =D. I love just about all hair.

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

Did It Ever Occur That A White Person Could Have Reported Your Question? or Hispanic? or Asian?

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

Hair is hair. Even dog hair, which is yours.

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

Hello Kate,

Don't take it to heart. I feel what only may be is some one no doubt was mad at all the racist/ hate posting, came across this and without fully reading or understanding guessed another rude comment, click reported it.

But, if this is all you asked defiantly not either hate nor racist in my thinking!

Now when you do get reported or violated, please by all means write back yahoo and explain/ ask why and what was ones reasoning for such cause of this action?

Yahoo gets so many reports that they suspended question or answer until justified. As has happen to me as well as others.

So do write and ask them why!

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

There is a lot of sentiment attached because black hair is constantly made fun of...(see the Imus comment as an example)...

I do love my black hair...

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

I'm white and my hair is soft and silky instead of like a brillo pad.

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

Yes I do like my hair, I have hair like Jesus, but I think many whites and blacks dislike their hair. Blacks dislike the texture and Whites dislike the fact that their hair is really thin. If they say they are white and have thick hair chances are they are mixed with another race (even if they don't look like it)

PS: 90% of actresses wear fake hair and 90% are white.

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

Well because instead of some people actually reading it they jump to conclusions and get offended but it would not have offended me. To answer your question there are alot of African American women who don't like there hair simply because they don't know what to do with it. But it took me years to find out what worked for me. But don't trip of of others ignorance.

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

I don't have much input except that black peoples hair is more versatile, you can do a MILLION and one things with it! With the help from us, whites can now do a THOUSAND things with theirs.

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

Maybe its the way you asked the question. I looked at your other questions... and came across this one... "Why do the majority of black women get weaves, extensions-is it because they are unhappy with their hair?". People may be taking offense because of the tone in your question. It seems a little biased. Especially that "more asthetically pleasing" part. Its not always what you say, its how you say it.

Now... without jumping to racism.... I'll go ahead and give you an honest answer to your question.

I LOVE my hair. I don't relax it, I don't put weaves in my hair. Even though I used to. I let it grow out and I'm doing the natural thing now, and I love it.

Our hair is pretty hard to take care of in comparison to other grades of hair out there. Which is why people tend to straighten it or get weaves. That doesn't make much sense to me because it actually does more harm than good. But, it does make it a little more managable.

Also, there is the issue that black hair and black skin has NEVER been considered beautiful according to societies standards of beauty. Furthermore, a lot of "ethnic" hair styles are considered inappropriate for the work environment. If you have an afro, cornrows, or locks, you are considered ghetto or too urban.

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

I think that it's a legitamate question. I, for one, can't stand my hair when it gets full and thick. When it gets like that, it's harder to maintain. I can't imagine being a female (Black, White, Hispanic) and having inches or feet of it.

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

how old are you? seriously!!!!!!!!! act your age and not your shoe size!

most of your questions are about our hair!

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

Kate. There are a lot of politics around black hair. People of many other ethnicities don't understand this. Depending on how you wear your hair...natural...relaxed....braided....d... are many assumptions made about who you are. Down to whether you're militant or a comformist.

So when you ask this question, you definitely asking a question that offend a lot of people.

I asked the same question "Do black people like their hair?"and "Do white people like their hair?" The first

Now don't act stupid, Kate...unless you're not acting

*raises eyebrow*

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