Friday, June 18, 2010

Help regarding dead ends? The tips of my hair are turning white for some reason...?

The tips of my hair around the front of my face, like my bangs, are turning white looking... I blow dry it 5 days a week and have been for over a year now. Strangely enough only one little patch on my bangs, are turning white tipped, and the tipping isn't consistent, it looks kind of like gunk but I've tried washing it out and scraping it off and everything and it hasn't worked. lol Could it possibly be that I got some sort of chemical in my hair in that part that bleached it? O.o I tried looking it up but all I got was that it was because I'm damaging my hair, which I strongly believe is not the case.

Help regarding dead ends? The tips of my hair are turning white for some reason...?

Without actually seeing your hair it is hard to diagnose, but another possible explanation could be that you have a hairspray buildup on your hair. Try taking your shampoo and put a little more than you usually use to shampoo your hair in the palm of your hand. Add about 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda to that and emulsify together and then shampoo your hair with that mixture. Let it sit for 3-5 minutes and repeat. Then after you've done that and rinsed well, now would be the perfect time to use a deep conditioner in your hair. After this hairspray de-gunking treatment, check your hair once it has dried to see if the white stuff is gone. Clarifying shampoos are great to use too, but for a serious buildup of hairspray, nothing works like shampoo and baking soda! (Trix of the trade!) Most people use a little more hairspray on the bangs/front of their hair, so this can be a common thing.

One other possibility, do you use a curling iron? If so, is that curling iron turned up as high as it goes when you use it? I had a client that had a thermostat on her iron and she had it turned up all the way. Her hair was very fine, and it definitely didn't need that much heat. She was cooking the ends of her hair and those ends turned whitish. They were definitely fried looking. Just another thought.

I agree with you that the blow dryer use would not be causing the white tips. That is not typically congruent with blow dryers. It is also not feasable that you got some sort of chemical in your hair. Another possibility I thought of...have you been blowing out any candles recently? Maybe that patch of bangs got too close to the flame when you went to blow it out.

The types of products you use on your hair will make a huge difference as well. Professional products make a world of difference compared to over-the-counter stuff. It is definitely worth the extra money. Use a thermal protector on your hair and a good moisturizing shampoo/conditioner. See your favorite stylist for product recommendations for your particular hair type and style that you are trying to achieve!

Good luck!

Help regarding dead ends? The tips of my hair are turning white for some reason...?

Yeah, those white ends are just split ends.

Get your hair cut at least one inch.

Use Dove hair products. They actually have this shampoo and conditioner for damaged hair. It's especially for split ends and damaged roots. It's guaranteed to give you the results you want in less than a week. Shampoo every other day, condition every day.

Don't blow dry your hair more than 3 times a week. Why do you need to blow dry your hair anyways? Why don't you just let it air dry? If it's because you don't want to go to school with your hair wet, take a shower at night instead. But be sure to let your hair dry completely before you go to sleep.

Twice a week, treat your hair to a hot oil massage. Just heat up a little olive oil or vegetable oil and massage it into your hair. Leave it in your hair for at least 25 minutes, then shampoo it out.

Help regarding dead ends? The tips of my hair are turning white for some reason...?

Yes, you are damaging your hair with heat. It happened to me before. Try giving it a break for a week or two by letting them dry naturally. I know this will be hard, but be patient and do it, it will be worth it. Also during that time, only use nourishing products for dry hair and apply some serum at the ends. Even if it does not look so good, just let it heal. Good luck! I recommend Paul Mitchell Skinny products, they work really good.

Help regarding dead ends? The tips of my hair are turning white for some reason...?

Well, if it looks kinda like it could be frosting or something is on your hair you have buildup, this is caused from using crappy products. The crap you buy at Walmart sucks, start using professional products that will actually make your hair healthy. Also if you are flat ironing it could be from the melted product on your flat iron building up on your hair. If that is the case, go to a salon, buy a clarifying shampoo (shampoo three by Paul Mitchell) and good shampoo and conditioner (for dry hair Joico K-pak is one of the best) and a good heat protector (quick slip and super skinny by Paul Mitchell for your blow drying AND heat seal by Paul Mitchell OR silk result thermal smoother by Joico, either one for flat ironing). If this isn't the case, you are frying your ends and they are dead and ready to break off, go to a stylist and get them looked at and trimmed off before you just make them worse and then start using the products mentioned above (doesn't have to be exact products, just a clarifying shampoo, 2 heat protectors one for blow drying and one for flat ironing and making sure you are using professional products). Please, people PLEASE, stop putting crap on your, love your hair with professional products and it will love you.

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