Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How much does it cost to buy a cat with long hair ? white or 3 color, or some pretty baby cat ? i lo

u can chat with me about cat , my nick is luckypengiun

How much does it cost to buy a cat with long hair ? white or 3 color, or some pretty baby cat ? i love cat, u?

If you want kittens, I have three of them. No money. I want to give them away. But they are not for eating.

How much does it cost to buy a cat with long hair ? white or 3 color, or some pretty baby cat ? i love cat, u?

$0-$2000. please by though from your local SPCA to free up some space!

How much does it cost to buy a cat with long hair ? white or 3 color, or some pretty baby cat ? i love cat, u?

Really check out local cat rescue organizations. I'm a big cat lover but have always adopted or been adopted by strays. The two cats my husband and I have came from local shelters when they were young (1 to 2) years old. As they grew older we realized that these guys were Maine Coon cats (very beautiful long haired cats that all very tall and big). If we hadn't adopted these beautiful boys they could have been put to sleep because of overcrowding.

Im a 16 year old with white hair!!??

why???ppl tell me that its cuz of stress. is it???

Im a 16 year old with white hair!!??

Premature white hair caused by shenxu (kidney deficient) condition: symptoms include weakness and soreness of lower back, knees and heels, losing hair, bad teeth, tinnitus, spermatorrhea, impotence, irregular menses, dizziness, blurred vision and premature aging.

Im a 16 year old with white hair!!??

thats very un-normal!!! see a doctor!!!

Im a 16 year old with white hair!!??

Is your hair COMPLETELY white, like an elderly person, or just a bit? I have some white hair, and yes, it is due to stress.

Im a 16 year old with white hair!!??

could b anything. my bf had a few a cupla weeks ago. it just randomly happens

Im a 16 year old with white hair!!??

i dunno but alot of people i know have white hair and they"re only 14-17

Im a 16 year old with white hair!!??

hmm it could be but i have seen very little kids with white hair. it's not un normal. so dont let it bother you. if it is and you really dont want it then diy to a darker blonde this way since your hair is white the darker blonde should turn it into a average blonde color. best of luck!

Im a 16 year old with white hair!!??

its blond from the sun stop worrying about it and don't listen to anyone that tells you to worry about it

Im a 16 year old with white hair!!??

well stress can give you gray hair but i dont think thats the case here possabilities could be a vitamin deficiantcy or genetics play a big role i have a brother in law who was totally grey by the time he was 20 and it just ran in the family but id start with the dr and seeing if you have a vitamin deficiancy are you normally real light haired and has anyone in the family ever had the same thing happen to them i hope this may have helped but look at the bright side if it is genetic then oh well theres an old saying that guys dont get older looking they get distinguished and this is just a part of what makes you you and that is something special

Im a 16 year old with white hair!!??

no.Its genes

Im a 16 year old with white hair!!??

im 15 and have several white hairs!! i started to get then at age 12 its genitic!

Im a 16 year old with white hair!!??

I'm going to assume you mean you are finding some white hairs in your head full of brown/black/blonde/red ones.

The most likely explanation is that you are simply graying earlier than most people. It would be cool if early graying was just a result of stress. Then I could have just pointed to my own white hairs (at age 16) to point out how seriously I was in need of rest and relaxation. *

The most likely cause of early graying is your parents. It is probably their genes that are doing this to you.

Some families tend to keep their hair coloring longer than others. Some ethnic groups tend to keep their hair coloring longer than others.

In my family, my parents and all 4 of us kids found our first gray hairs at ages 15 - 17.

You might find just a few white hairs and not have them "multiply" for many, many more years. Look at the adults in your family and you'll have a good prediction of what your future head of hair will look like.

*Some people who have experienced catastophic stress have rapid graying.

Im a 16 year old with white hair!!??

Yes, its 'cause of stress. Get some rest, you'll have lesser white hair.

Im a 16 year old with white hair!!??

well i think buddy its just because of deficiency and u need to use good shampoo n conditioner to keep your hairs healty like u take nutritious food for ur body

Im a 16 year old with white hair!!??












































Why is the top of scars from full metal alchemist hair white is he old?

its part of being isbalan a lot of others have white hair, including his brother

Why is the top of scars from full metal alchemist hair white is he old?

no he isn't old i dont really know why his hair is white it might be from his brothers arm.

Why is the top of scars from full metal alchemist hair white is he old?

I don't really think there is a reason lol. It's just how the mangaka decided to color him, makes him look different from all the other characters that way ^^.

Why do blonds get more attention then any other colored hair white females?

blonds are just so sexy and hot looking.

Why do blonds get more attention then any other colored hair white females?

cause we rule!

Why do blonds get more attention then any other colored hair white females?

I think it's because of society and media. My girlfriend is a gorgeous brunette and today she said, "I'm gonna dye my hair so I can get treated better". Blonds are also becoming more of a minority everyday as the rate of natural blonds are decreasing each year. I personally am into brunettes now since blond/fair skin women age a lot faster than non blonds.

Why do blonds get more attention then any other colored hair white females?

The majority of the population is not blonde. Plus they are known for being dumb and easy but thats not always true, b/c my natural hair color is blonde. Personally I've always wanted the espresso brown hair.

Why do blonds get more attention then any other colored hair white females?

I know this sounds bad, but it seems blondes seem to have more attractive faces and for the most part bodies. If I see an attractive brunette and an attractice blonde I wont go for the blonde. It just seems as though a larger majority of attractive girls happen to be blonde. (However I could also be biased and just have an unkownest to me, attraction to blondes)

Why do blonds get more attention then any other colored hair white females?

I have to agree with Gotham, I presonally prefer brunettes over blondes even though all my girlfriends apart from my current one were all blondes.

Why do blonds get more attention then any other colored hair white females?

it is not true,the red heads get more attention, I'm red head and my fiends are blond i do get more attention than they do.

Why do blonds get more attention then any other colored hair white females?

Because they look different from others and in some countries we hardly see one.

Why do blonds get more attention then any other colored hair white females?

Thats not true. I prefer a darker haired girl, but blondes stick out more. Hot is hot, does'nt matter what color it is.

Why do blonds get more attention then any other colored hair white females?

I disagree...here's what I think...

Blondes...flaky airheads


Redheads...red HOT!!!

I'm a dark blonde, so I'm a flaky brain!! LOL

Why do blonds get more attention then any other colored hair white females?

the eye is attracted to light and sometimes a girl looks hot because shes blonde, not because she herself is hot. I also think its the media.

Why do blonds get more attention then any other colored hair white females?

I have to agree with Kitty, being a red head too. Most of my girlfriends are blonds and they are looking to dye their hair red. Simple because of the attention I get. I found out Guys don't prefer blonds

Why do blonds get more attention then any other colored hair white females?

most of the time that is true. blondEs get more attention because its been like that since the begining of time...in other words...society got used to it, we sell ourselves short....im just speaking generally here ok...i mean anybody can get their hair dyed (sometimes not knowin it looks awful on them...happened to my friend) anyway for me that's not true

Why do blonds get more attention then any other colored hair white females?

because people can be see ignorant oh well shut up and ask a better question

Why do blonds get more attention then any other colored hair white females?

I actually notice that myself and other redheads get th emost attention.

Ive been red, blonde and strawberry blonde.

Strawberry Blonde gets the most notice, 2nd Red and third Blond.

Why do blonds get more attention then any other colored hair white females?

Who says blondes are sexier? You may, not me.

Why human has only black and white hair ???

This will be a big surprise to the millions of brunettes, blondes and redheads in Europe and America.

Why human has only black and white hair ???

they have other colors too blonde brown red gray etc

Why human has only black and white hair ???

wut r u tlkin about!?

Name me a witch that has white hair besides Professor Mc Gonnogal.?

The 3 Stygian Witches from the movie " Clash of the Titans".

Name me a witch that has white hair besides Professor Mc Gonnogal.?

a woman named Phyllis

Name me a witch that has white hair besides Professor Mc Gonnogal.?

Madam Hooch

They're both fake, btw :-)

Name me a witch that has white hair besides Professor Mc Gonnogal.?

Professor Sprout-Harry Potter

Cruela de Ville from 101 Dalmatians

Name me a witch that has white hair besides Professor Mc Gonnogal.?

Wicked Witch of the East

Name me a witch that has white hair besides Professor Mc Gonnogal.?

First of all I doubt that Professor Mc Gonnogal is a real witch. Do you want to know about actresses who portray witches or women who are, in their real lives, witches? These are very different questions.

A witch could have any color hair that any other woman would have. If she were an elderly person it is possible that her hair could be white. Why is the subject of white hair important? What does it denote to you?

Witches are just regular people like anyone else. The color of their hair is not very important.

Most of the other witches I know are in their 30's to 50's so I do not personally know any witches with white hair tho I am sure there are some.

Lady Trinity~

Name me a witch that has white hair besides Professor Mc Gonnogal.?

Glenda the Good Witch in The Wizard of OZ

Name me a witch that has white hair besides Professor Mc Gonnogal.?

my ex

Anybody else's 15 year old daughter turning your hair white?

Aha yes, Been there... My Daughters are 15 mo's apart. How would you like a dose of 14, 15 then 15,16 then 16,17 That's about where it ends. They start to come back to sanity about 17. They are 21,22 now and the greatest things in the world. Just hang in there.. It's worth it all..

Note; If you have a good day, enjoy every second of it.

Good luck..

Anybody else's 15 year old daughter turning your hair white?

No, I dont have a daughter. But they only want to do what's in style. Or do something unique, or something out of the box. There just trying to express themselves. Or bring this color into the "new style".

Anybody else's 15 year old daughter turning your hair white?

well im 16 but my moms gettin gray hair from me lol

its not even like im a bad kid though i think its just a conscience

Anybody else's 15 year old daughter turning your hair white?

noo but ive seen 2 or 3 white hairs on my head every once in a while :)

Anybody else's 15 year old daughter turning your hair white?

i'm 15,and i KNOW i'm giving my mom white hair.

its not intentional,or anything...she just stresses over my every move too much,but im trying to get better.

Anybody else's 15 year old daughter turning your hair white?

At around 16 I noticed my first gray hair. I now have gray hair that looks like highlights. I was told this was not due to stress( as I thought) but due to hereditary. Great thanks a lot is what I said.

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